Inner Quest Group Adventures
What are your limitations?
When Inner Quest takes a group outside and leads them on an IQ adventure, the group comes back inside a different group….AND THAT’S GOOD!

Name your Quest
Day Adventures are available in a variety of High-Adventure activities. All programs include instruction presented in a graduated manner appropriate to your groups age and abilities. Group discussions are a part of each activity and help relate the progress of the group to the program goals.
The relevance of the experience to that of everyday life is brought together in a final session. All One-Day IQ Group Adventures require approximately six hours and usually begin between 9 and 10 a.m. (But times are flexible). Day Quest is an exciting, powerful one-day outdoor experience designed to foster self-discovery, confidence, teamwork, communications and group process skills. Its a perfect introduction to IQ’s educational philosophy, goals and methods. It’s also an unforgettable day of exhilarating fun, of safe, challenging adventure! The IQ Day Quest is a carefully structured series of Challenge Course events incorporating physical, psychological and social challenges.
Some events demand the individual transcend self-imposed limits. Some require sophisticated group cooperation and problem-solving skills. Activities may include traversing a ravine on a rope bridge, scaling a smooth wall of solid rock, or a breathtaking run down one of our famous Zip Wires! Though Day Quest events are demanding, any willing individual will be able to complete the adventure successfully. All activities are safely designed and directly supervised by well-trained IQ Staff.
Thousands of individuals from schools, colleges, corporations, professional societies, public and private agencies have experienced the IQ Day Quest. Ages range from 10 to 65. Purposes have included school orientations, management group training, social adjustment for troubled youth – and many more. Inner Quest will adapt the program emphasis to the groups specific goals. IQ Day Quests are usually conducted at one of our partner ropes course facilities but can be presented at any chosen location. These programs are available seven days a week, year rounds, but dates should be reserved in advance. Contact us..
Is an exciting day of rock climbing and rappelling at locations such as Carderrock, Great Falls (VA), Sugarloaf Mountain (MD), or Annapolis rocks near Frederick MD.
All equipment is provided and instructions at the beginner level includes safety, climbing and rappelling techniques, and use of signals and equipment. Intermediate and advanced classes can include more sophisticated climbing and rappelling techniques, belaying techniques, and anchor systems. All climbs and rappels are protected by safety systems, and helmets must be worn at all times. Instruction is presented in a graduated manner and as skills are master and difficulty increased, confidence grows. Trust becomes a “second rope” between the climber and belayer while encouragement from IQ staff and peers helps participants overcome self-imposed limits. Contact us..
Is a rewarding day of cave exploration. Beginner trips are as close as an hour’s drive from Northern Virginia, or advanced trips can be arranged to the famous cave country of West Virginia.
Teamwork and mutual trust become evident as we descend into darkness and the unfamiliar surroundings foster group support. Soon fears become secondary to the excitement of exploration and beauty of this one-of-a-kind environment. The constant temperature of caves makes spelunking a versatile, year-round activity. Each cave is carefully selected with the safety and skill level of your group in mind. Instruction is given in safety, use of equipment, cave travel and cave environment including ecology, geography, and biology. The need for preservation of and respect for a cave’s wild yet fragile ecosystem is stressed. Contact us..
Involves a challenging day of canoeing in the Potomac river basin famous for its diverse paddling resources.
Teamwork and communications are essential for effective canoeing. Each pair of canoeists must coordinate their efforts, using newly developed skills, in order to maneuver their craft. Trips range from flatwater for beginners to class III whitewater for the more experienced paddlers. All instruction includes safety, strokes, rescues, and use of equipment. Life vests are worn at all times. For river canoeing, additional instruction is given in river reading and specific river maneuvers. The IQ canoe quest is based on American Red Cross courses and certification can be arranged for your group. Contact us..
Is an adventure-filled day of kayaking on the Potomac River or its tributaries.
Programs range from flatwater for beginners to class III whitewater for the intermediates. Instruction for this increasingly popular lifetime sport includes safety, strokes, rescues, and equipment use. Life vests and helmets are worn at all times. For river kayaking, instruction can also include river reading, specific maneuvers, “river playing”, and Eskimo rolls. The IQ Kayak Quest is based on the American Red Cross courses and certification can be arranged for your group. Contact us..
Few human experiences can rival the IQ Wilderness Expedition for intensity, challenging, and learning potential.
Real growth and change occur only in a holistic context, in confronting limits; physical, mental, emotional, and social. All Inner Quest expeditions emphasize self-awareness, confidence, group dynamics and interpersonal responsibility. Self-discovery and lifetime recreational activities are combined in IQ’s signature atmosphere of safe and challenging adventure! Inner Quest is a recognized specialist in the design of adaptive expeditions.
Any combination of high-adventure activities such as backpacking, rock climbing and rappelling, whitewater and flatwater canoeing, spelunking and cross-country skiing can be combined in the expedition design. All necessary equipment is provided and instruction is also available in survival, orienteering and other outdoor living skills. Environmental awareness is always heavily emphasized. All IQ expeditions being with the IQ Day Quest events to break the ice and promote teamwork. IQ staff and your group’s members share expectations on the fist evening. Each day begins early with some form of physical activity and a hearty breakfast.
The days are filled with fast moving adventure activities and dinner is followed by a campfire session providing the opportunity for the group to discuss and relive the day’s activities. Instruction in safety, emergency procedures, and first aid is a part of each IQ expedition. Specific instruction in skills and safety is given for each activity before participation and is presented I a graduated manner allowing for mastery and reinforcement of each newly acquired skill. Camp craft and cooking skills are taught and the responsibility for these tasks is turned over to group members as soon as possible. Low-impact camping techniques are stressed as soon as possible, and all activities are carefully supervised by IQ staff. Contact us..
A fascinating day exploring the cultural, historical, and political hot spot of Washington DC. Foot travel, combined with the Metro public transit system allows for an intimate look at out Nation’s Capital. The Urban Quest is especially designed for Junior and Senior High School students and is available in two formats.
Novice: Students navigate following a predetermined itinerary, while visiting important points of interest in the downtown DC area.
Advanced: Group members plan their own itinerary and then follow it. Contact us..